City of Shafter - Core City Residential
American Refuse Shafter office located at (The Old City Yard) 550 N Shafter Ave, Shafter is now permanently closed.
Our main office located in Wasco is open Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Located at: 1316 "J" street, Wasco, Ca. 661-758-5316
Why Is My Trash Service Changing?
State Law SB 1383 requires a 3– Cart System (organics, recycling, and trash). Implementation of this law began January 1, 2022. If a jurisdiction does not comply, it will be assessed fines for non-compliance. The City of Shafter applied for a 619 Plan to help ease the transition for Shafter residents. The City of Shafter awarded a refuse and recycling collection contract to American Refuse to cover the core residential services for trash, recycling, and organics. Your service provider for the 3-cart system will no longer be the City of Shafter. American Refuse will be your new service provider.
What Is Cal Recycle? What Is SB 1383?
Cal Recycle is a division of the California Environmental Protection Agency - CALEPA.
Please visit the Cal Recycle website for more information on SB1383 and other mandated recycling laws. At
I Live In Gossamer Grove, Is My Service Or Service Provider Changing?
No, your service and provider will stay the same.
Why Do I Have An Organics (Green) Cart?
SB1383 is a Green House Gas Reduction (GHG) bill that was signed into law in 2016. Studies done by Cal Recycle showed that 40% of the materials going to landfills consisted of organic matter which releases GHG into the air. This bill is aimed to reduce organics to the landfill by diverting it for recycling.
Do I Have to Subscribe to All 3 - Carts (Organics, Recycling, and Trash Carts)?
Yes, Shafter does not qualify as an exemption from this state law.
When Will I Get My New Carts?
Please see the map below to reference the location of your home as to your new cart delivery rollout date. You can also look up your address to find out information please use this link:
You can also call American Refuse at 661-758-5316 for more information.
What Do I Do With My Old Cart From The City Of Shafter?
Please place your old cart out for service. It will be dumped and collected. Thank you
How Do I Know What Goes Into Each Colored Cart?
You can download the American Refuse app and use the “Waste Wizard” to find out "what goes where?” Click here to download with Google Play or Apple Store. Upon receiving your new cart/s, you will also receive a trifold brochure showing "what goes where". Each cart is also labeled with graphics on what can and cannot go in each cart/s.
How Do I Know When My New Pick-up Service Day Will Be?
You will be notified as your new services start. As of July, please reference the maps below for your pickup service day with your new 3-cart system. Please note that all 3 carts will be picked up the same day, keeping in mind that blue cart recycling is a every other week pick up service. Please note that our trucks do look alike but 3 (three) different trucks will service your cart/s. If you find one cart/s that has not been serviced yet, please leave it out for service until end of day.
Can I Get More Carts?
Yes, please contact the City of Shafter 661-746-5000.
I Am Currently An Alleyway Pick Up Service With The City’s 300 Gallon Container. Why Can’t I Put My 3- Carts In The Alleyway?
The City has converted to a 3-Cart Service as mandated by State Law SB1383. Individual containers help ensure that all residents receive the same level of service for the rates they are paying, unlike shared alley containers that are sometimes full because a neighbor has used too much space.
What is Curbside Bulk Item Pick Up Service?
This is a FREE service provided by American Refuse, to all City of Shafter core residents, for the pickup and free removal of any LARGE BULKY items such as couches, refrigerators, water heaters, mattresses, and more. Please call American Refuse at 661-758-5316, or use the app or website to request an appointment.
How Do I Pay My Bill?
The City will continue to bill you monthly for the service/s. Payment method will remain the same.
I Require Assistance /Medical Assistance to Get My Carts to the Curb What Do I Do?
American Refuse can assist you with a walk-up service for your cart. Please call American Refuse at 661-758-5316 to discuss your needs and for the information on this service.
What Is Happening To My Current Alleyway 300 Gallon Or 95 Gallon Curbside Trash Cart?
It will be removed the day you get your new 3 cart system. If you are a current curbside customer, please put your current cart out for service and it will be emptied and collected.
How Do I Get My FREE Countertop Food Waste Pail?
Please stop by the American Refuse Shafter office located at (The Old City Yard) 550 N Shafter Ave, Shafter.
Location will open the week of August 1st with the following hours:
Tuesday: 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
** Limit one per household**
Our main office located in Wasco is open Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. Located at: 1316 "J" street, Wasco, Ca. 661-758-5316
Why Do I Have To Wait For My New Carts?
The City applied for a 619 Plan allowance with Cal Recycle to allow time for residents to adjust and make modifications for their new carts.
I Have A Damaged/Stolen Cart?
Please call American Refuse at 661-758-5316.
The App Wont Give Me My Information
Please wait for your rollout date and it will update with all your information
What Is The Sizing Of My New Cart/s?
Easy To Open Lids With Handles
Am I Getting Less Service?
You will be receiving more gallons per week per household.
Current Curbside 95 gallons twice a week = 190 gallons a week.
Current Alleyway 300 gallon / 4 (split between 4 homes) = 75 gallons twice a week = 150 gallons a week
NEW SERVICE - Three (3) 96 gallon cart/s. Trash & Organics once a week/ Blue Recycling every other week = 240 gallons/ week
Can I Still Take My CRV To A Buyback Center?
Yes, you can still take your CRV to buy back centers. Please note all the other items that can be recycled in your blue container besides just CRV. Glass, junk mail, tin cans (washed), newspapers, cardboard, and more! You can use our Waste Wizard located on the homepage and avaible in our app.
Do I Still Need To Self-Haul My Recyclables To The FREE Drop Off Center?
No, please use the blue recycling cart that you will receive in your 3-cart rollout. No need to store these items and haul them across town. We will pick them up for you every other week right at your curb. For your schedule, please refer to our app (set up reminders) or visit the homepage and enter your address. A calendar with all your service days will populate by month.
Will The City Continue The Brush Program?
No, the City has discountinued the annual brush program. However, you will now have an organics (green) conatiner at your home year round to discard your yard waste.
What Is A Benefit Of Having My Own Organics (Green) Waste Cart?
In addition to complying with State Law SB 1383, where organics (yard waste) and food scraps need to be diverted out of the trash containers and into an organics container. Residents can find ease in the ability to move their carts within their yard while doing yard work.
Why Do My Cart/s Need To Be Three (3) - Feet Apart? Six (6) - Feet From Vehicles?
To service your cart/s the collection truck has a side arm with a gripper that extends to grab the cart/s. The gripper needs to be able to get around your cart/s and between them to grab them to service them. We would prefer the cart/s be 6 feet away from any vehicles, boats, rv, etc so we can safely collect items from your cart/s
I Am A Current American Refuse Blue Cart Recycling Customer. What Do I Do?
As of July 1st you should have recieved a letter from American Refuse with instructions. If not, please call our office when you are notified of your rollout date. As a current customer, you can opt to continue service and have an additional blue cart or you may discontinue service and we will pick up your old cart when you recieve your new 3 Cart system.
Is My Rate For Each One Of The Carts Or All Three (3) - Carts?
Your rate is for ALL three (3) carts. Your new service includes one (1) black trash cart, one (1) blue recycling cart, and one (1) green organics cart.
What Is The Best Way To Put My Food Waste In My Organics Cart?
We have found the best way to add your food waste to your organics cart is to make sure your grass, yard trimmings, newspaper, or other paper is put into your organics cart before you add your food waste This method helps with the absorption of any liquids that can be present in food.
Can I Spray Paint My Address on My Cart/s?
No, we would prefer you not spary paint your address on your cart/s. In the event you do, we will most likely remove it from the cart/s. Each cart has a serial number that is assigned to your account/address. If it is lost or stolen, we will do our best to locate it. Most of the time, lost carts are a result of a neighbor accidentley bringing in the wrong cart.
Did They Forget To Pick Up One Of My Cart/s?
Please note that on your pick up day, three (3) seperate trucks (including your blue container - blue is every other week service) will be coming by to service your cart/s. If your cart/s are not empty please leave them out until the end of the day so we can service them. Please note our trucks do look alike but they all have a different job when servicing your cart/s.
Can I Leave My Cart/s On The Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, Or On The Street Past My Service Day?
No, the City has been asking that you return your cart/s to the side of your house or gate or out of the "public right of way". You may place your cart/s out the night before or day of service. After your cart/s have been serviced, please return them to the designated spot.
Did You Know We Offer A FREE Drop-Off For Sharps & Pharmaceutical Disposal?
Bring your used "sharps" (needles, syringes, and lancets) or pharmaceutical waste to our FREE disposal drop off located in front of your office at 1316 ‘J” Street, Wasco. Please keep these items out of the organics, trash, and recycling. Pharmaceuticals are harmful to our enviroment when discarded improperly. Sharps cause danger to workers at the sortlines. Please dispose of these items properly.
Shafter, How Are We Doing?
We have seen some GREAT recycling efforts! However, here are some items that we have also found as "contaminates".
Plastic Bags- these belong in the trash not the blue recycling and not in the organics. (example are grocery bags and plastic food bags)
Food Waste- Please do not bag your food in a plastic bag. Food waste needs to be in a biodegradable bag or "bio" bag or can be dumped in the organics can by itself. Please remove food from the packaging. This contaminates the load and it could be rejected from the facility. A plastic grocery bag cannot be used for food waste in the organics cart. Plastic bags need to go in the trash.
Plastic Film- What is it? Grocery bags, trash bags, container packaging (example is plastic over a cardboard container that holds sports drinks). Plastic clam shells (example are containers for fruit or take out containers) These go in the trash not in the blue recycling.
Cooking Ware – Example is aluminum bakeware. Please put these in the trash if they still contain food. By leaving food it contaminants the other recyclables in your blue recycling cart. These do not go in the organics container.
Polystyrene packaging- Example non compostable packing peanuts and large packing foam. These items need to go in the trash not the recycling